Why is rainbow gay pride

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Without Pride, these emerging queers may become trapped within the mental and emotional stages wherein they believe they will be completely alone if they 'come out.' Almost all of us have been there. It goes without saying that Pride, as vague as it can be, is often most important for the newest members of the community those for whom being different from mainstream society is still a new thing. Pride can mean so many things all at once, making it nearly impossible to describe or sum up. It's about giving hope to people who may feel that life will never get better. Pride events - specifically Pride parades - are about visibility and creating a sense of belonging for people who may not have it. It's a world of people who are often rejected and attacked for being who they are, expressing themselves in ways that feel right, and loving who they can't help but love. The queer community is bigger than one person or one group, and sometimes it's hard to remember that. Pride doesn't have to be for everyone, but just because it isn't for everyone doesn't mean we still don't need it. Maybe it is just that for some people, and that's okay. There are those who think they're nothing more than capitalistic machines with arms made of liquor, underwear, and rainbow goods.

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